ClickOnce and file association issues

I was trying to setup .sql file association working for our lightweight SQL editor, but it took me more time than expected. Below are steps that I applied to make it work:

  • Configure the file association
  • Make sure at least .NET Framework 3.5 is used
  • Activate ClickOnce Full Trust
  • Read arguments using activation data
  • Make sure no app is associated with the extension you want to use!

The last step was probably the biggest problem from the start, so I am not sure all of the other steps are required. I enabled ClickOnce logging and found out there is a warning regarding the extension.

File association for ".sql" skipped, since another application is using it.

I had to remove association information from registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.sql) and restart!

Activate Synapse on Super (Win) key only

It cannot be done directly from Synapse settings, but you can do it manually by editing Synapse configuration.

  1. Close Synapse
  2. Edit ~/.config/synapse/config.json
  3. Set activate to Super_L
  "ui" : {
    "shortcuts" : {
      "activate" : "Super_L",

There is a disadvantage of this solution. You basically can’t use any other global key combinations with Win key, because it will always trigger Synapse.

If that is a problem you can use xcape to assign an additional one-click function to a modifier key.

xcape -e 'Super_L=Super_L|space'

MikroTik and L2TP alternative for Android

Android 12 dropped support for L2TP. If you are looking for alternative and OpenVPN is not possible, because it’s setup in TAP mode, which is not supported on Android nor iPhone, you may try SSTP instead. SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol) is protocol developed by Microsoft.

There is a open source client Open SSTP available Google Play. However MikroTik’s PAP implementation does not seem to work, so your only option is to use MS-CHAPv2, but it is more secure anyway!