Category Archives: Flash

Disabling Flash in Internet Explorer

I don’t know how about you, but I have never got used to work with Internet Explorer. Even the new version 9 looks slow to me comparing to the other available browsers. But sometimes I am forced to used it – in work, or just because some of the programs use Internet Explorer rendering engine.
What is really annoying on Internet Explorer is the way how plugins works. I don’t want to install Adobe Flash player, because it is very slow in Internet Explorer and also I don’t want to be notified about new releases of Flash. When I visit a page with a banner in Flash then Internet Explorer want to automatically install this plugin. There is no way I know about to disable it from user interface.
Fortunately there is a security feature in Internet Explorer called Killbits. Basically it is a flag in registry, where you can disable each ActiveX control you want. But you need to know their unique identifiers.
I have prepared a simple registry file for you, so that you can easily disable Flash by downloading Registry file for disabling Flash and running it.